You are here: Stock Items > Stock Items in Idealpos > Supplier Codes

Supplier Codes

A Supplier Stock Code is the product code that appears on a Suppliers Invoice.

It is possible to link the Supplier’s product code to the Idealpos Stock Code, and can be used when entering an invoice from a Supplier.


Select the Supplier Codes button from the left-hand side menu.




If you purchase the same item from more than one Supplier, you can enter multiple Supplier Codes to a single Stock Item.

To add, click on the Add button within the Supplier Stock Codes window.

Enter the Supplier Code and Supplier’s Stock Code.

The description field will automatically populate based on the Stock Code description.


You might want to change which Supplier is the default for this product.


Highlight the Supplier Stock Code you want to make default > Press Set as Default on the left-hand side of the screen.



A confirmation screen will display to complete the action.



The Current Default Supplier will be detailed under the Stock Item Description.



Sell Quantity Type to Units or Cartons

For this option, you need to choose how the item will be sold and in what quantity.

See below for both examples:


Units of 24

For example, you purchase cartons of Coke, however you wish to perform stock control by the single unit.

A stock item has been created for a Can of Coke, and is ticked for stock control; however you purchase this product from the supplier in Cartons.


You can enter the Suppliers Carton Stock Code against the single Can of Coke in Idealpos and set the ‘you sell as’ option to Units with a quantity of 24.


This means, ONE item on the supplier invoice/order equals 24 items in Idealpos:



Cartons of 1 – For example, you purchase cartons of Coke and wish to perform stock control by the carton. A stock item has been created for a Carton of Coke, and is ticked for stock control. You have single cans of coke linked to this item as an Indirect Item, so each time you sell a single, 1/24th will be deducted from stock.


You can enter the Suppliers Carton Stock Code against the Carton of Coke in Idealpos and set the ‘you sell as’ option to Cartons with a quantity of 1.


This means, 1 item on the supplier invoice/order equals ONE item in Idealpos: